June 25, 2011

Mixed Message on Libya

In what has got to be one of the great political mixed messages of all time, the House of Representatives on Friday voted to deny congressional approval to extend U.S. involvement in Libya for up to one year, but then refused to deny funding to continue prosecuting our ongoing military activity in that country.  President Obama is already in violation of the War Powers Resolution, so it remains to be seen what effect, if any, this will have on American interventionism.  Perhaps the idea Ruben Bolling expresses below is what we need...


lokywoky said...

ROFLMAO! The only thing that would make it better is the "forced march" between the protestors outside the "crisis center" where they are calling him a murderer and a baby-killer and throwing themselves on the ground screaming etc. Plus with signs showing dead bodies and plenty of blood and gore. That would make the whole thing perfect!!!

PBI said...

: ) Yeah, Bolling pretty much nailed it.